by Tracy
I love this website. I stumbled across it two weeks ago and have purchased 7 dresses on ebay since. I'm naturally buying those I loved as a girl but was never able to get. I'll never be a collector of mint condition items. I prefer to purchase those played with and used. I find it hard to believe that such tiny, delicate things survived. I use to take my original 1968 Stacey doll into the pool with me. I had the camper; my sister had the tent. We went camping in our backyard all summer long. I still have my original doll, camper, horse (Dancer), and case with many outfits.
I noticed that there's not a picture of outfit #1777 Pretty Wild! (1967) on this website. I have the complete outfit--dress, bag, and hat--in my case but did not know it was a Barbie fashion until just now. I discovered a black and white "Barbie/Francie" label copyrighted 1968. This made me curious because I had not seen it on this website which I've been devouring for hours each night. I found it on another website which stated it was hard to find. I don't remember the color packets but I do remember putting it in water (or something like that) to make it change colors (I think).
I think it would be fun to submit a picture of my red headed Stacey wearing it. It's one of her favorites!!
(Note to Tracy - I would love for your to send a picture! I'm so happy you enjoy the site and find it helpful! Thanks much! Suzanne)
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