Vintage Barbie Ponytail Dolls

Vintage Barbie Ponytail Dolls were issued from 1959 to 1964. The first Barbie Doll was introduced to the world at the New York Toy Fair on March 9, 1959. Her design evolved over the years and there are seven different ponytail Barbie variations. These are known by their numbers - #1, #2, #3, etc.   Each version has visible differences - use this chart to identify your doll.  As a general rule, the lower the number the more valuable the doll.  You can click on the link above each doll to get more detailed information and pictures about each version.

Vintage Barbie Ponytail Dolls Comparison Guide

#1 & #2 Ponytail #3 Ponytail #4 Ponytail #5 Ponytail #6 & #7 Ponytail
Vintage Barbie Dolls - Ponytails: #1 Ponytail Vintage Barbie Doll #3 Ponytail Vintage Barbie Doll #4 Ponytail Vintage Barbie Doll #5 Ponytail Vintage Barbie Doll #6  Ponytail Vintage Barbie Doll
Issue Date: 1959 1960 1960 1961 1962 - 1964
Box Date: 1959 1959 1959 1959 1962
Hair Colors: Blonde, Brunette Blonde, Brunette Blonde, Brunette Blonde, Brunette, Titian (red) Different shades of Blonde, Brunette, Titian (red)
Face: Eyes had white irises and heavy black eyeliner. Brows were blonde or brown. Red Lips and blush. Blue eyes. Brows were blonde or brown. Red Lips and blush. Blue eyes, Brows were blonde or brown. Red Lips and blush. Blue eyes. Brows were blonde, reddish or brown. Red Lips and blush. Blue eyes. Brows were blonde, reddish or brown. Coral Lips and blush.

Black & White Striped Swimsuit
Gold Hoop Earrings
White Sunglasses with Blue Lens
Black Open Toe Heels

Black & White Striped Swimsuit
Gold Hoop or Pearl Stud Earrings
White Sunglasses with Blue Lens
Black Open Toe Heels

Black & White Striped Swimsuit
Gold Hoop or Pearl Stud Earrings
White Sunglasses with Blue Lens
Black Open Toe Heels

Black & White Striped Swimsuit
Pearl Stud Earrings
White Sunglasses with Blue Lens
Black Open Toe Heels

Red Jersey Swimsuit
Pearl Stud Earrings
Red Open Toe Heels

Stand: #1 - Black plastic disk stand with two metal prongs
#2 - Black pedestal with wire stand
Black pedestal with wire stand Black pedestal with wire stand or Black wire stand Black wire stand Black or Gold wire stand
Body Markings:
(c) 1962
Barbie ®
Mattel, Inc.
(In 1963 added the word "Patented")
Vintage Barbie Ponytail Doll Notes: #1 Barbie had holes in the bottom of her feet and shoes to accommodate her stand. #2 Barbie did not have the holes and had a different stand. Had either blue or brown eyeliner - it was the only time for both, but the blue is rarer. Some came with a braided ponytail.  Body smells like crayon and fades to ivory color. Used a new vinyl that retains its color - does not fade to ivory like the earlier dolls.  Some dolls came with a braided ponytail.  This is the first Barbie to have a hollow body.  Many #5's have a "greasy" looking face due to the type of vinyl used. There was a variation with painted legs.  The lip and blush colors varied a lot over the years and many different variations can be found.

Vintage Barbie Ponytail Boxes

There were only two different box designs used for Vintage Barbie Ponytail Dolls.

1959 - 1961 Ponytail Barbie Box

This box, dated 1959, was used through 1961.  The first boxes were marked Barbie™.  During the run of the #3 ponytails they changed it to Barbie®.  So #1 & #2 should have ™ boxes and #4 & #5 should have ® boxes.  #3 will have either.

1962 - 1964 Ponytail Barbie Box

Along with the clothing, #6 also got a new box.  This one has ponytails along with bubble cuts, and it was used for both dolls.

Barbie Ponytail Reproductions Boxes

Some Barbie Reproductions come with reproduced boxes.  These boxes state on the end of the box that a Special Edition Reproduction is inside.

Reproduction Ponytail Barbie Box

Vintage Barbie Booklets

Through 1972 every Barbie doll came with a booklet showing the dolls and outfits that were available. Here are the booklets that came with Vintage Barbie Ponytail Dolls.

1959 - 1960 Barbie Booklet1959 - 1960

There were three versions of this booklet.  

1961 Barbie Booklet1961

The 1961 edition had the same pink cover as the first three, but also had Ken on the cover.   

1962 Barbie Booklet1962

The ponytail Barbie in the booklet was replaced with a bubble cut, but it was also included in with ponytails.  

1962 Barbie Booklet1962

This was also dated 1962.  It came out when Midge did, so if your ponytail also has Midge on her tush, this would be the book that came with her.   It came in three different colored covers - yellow, blue and white.

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